We are currently taking an extended break and will be back with new episodes in 2025
Listened to in 89 countries


We work to free hostages and the unjustly detained worldwide. Together with their families, we share their stories and let you know how you can help. Host, Daren Nair has been campaigning with many of these families for years and will introduce you to some of the most courageous and resilient people among us, people who have never given up hope, people who will never stop working to reunite their families.

Recent Episodes

May 3, 2023

SITREP Pod 4: Free Robert Pether, Australian held in Iraq | Pod Hosta…

Last month marked two years since Robert Pether, an Australian citizen and Irish resident, has been wrongfully imprisoned in Iraq. He is a father, a husband and an engineer. Robert and his colleague, Khalid Radwan were both d...

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April 19, 2023

Free Paul Whelan and Evan Gershkovich, Americans held in Russia | Pod…

American Marine veteran, Paul Whelan and American journalist, Evan Gershkovich are both wrongfully imprisoned in Russia. The United States government has classified both men as “wrongfully detained” and has called for their i...

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March 29, 2023

SITREP Pod: Free Shahab Dalili, American hostage in Iran | Pod Hostag…

Shahab Dalili is a United States lawful permanent resident from Virginia. His wife and children are all U.S. citizens. In April 2016, Shahab went to Tehran to attend his father’s funeral. He was then arrested and has been wro...

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March 15, 2023

Free Cecile Kohler, French hostage in Iran | Pod Hostage Diplomacy

Cecile Kohler is a French teacher and a unionist. She has always dreamed of visiting Iran. Last year, both Cecile and her partner, Jacques Paris visited Iran as tourists during the French school holidays and were arrested on ...

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March 1, 2023

SITREP Pod 2: Free Nahid Taghavi, German hostage in Iran | Pod Hostag…

68-year-old German citizen, Nahid Taghavi has been held hostage in Iran since 16 October 2020. The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and Amnesty International have both stated that her detention is arbitrary...

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Feb. 15, 2023

SITREP Pod: Free Benjamin Briere, French hostage in Iran | Pod Hostag…

Today is day 19 of French citizen, Benjamin Briere’s hunger strike. He has been wrongfully imprisoned in Iran since May 2020. He is one of seven French citizens currently held in Iran. The French government has referred to th...

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Inspiring, informative and compassionate podcast.

"Daren Nair is an amazing host who has on the most resilient families I’ve ever heard speak. This show is truly a Godsend to these cases as it helps highlight them in depth and giving a chance for the…"

Vvadell | Jan. 27, 2022

A voice for those being denied basic human rights

"The Pod Hostage Diplomacy team does an incredibly job highlighting cases of those held hostage or illegally detained around the world by corrupt and violent regimes. The families of hostages go throu…"

Ckanimba | Dec. 6, 2021

Deserves far more attention

"This podcast series deserves far more attention. A world where ordinary citizens can be kidnapped by foreign governments and non-state organizations for political leverage is a scary one. Daren does …"

FreeKaiLi | Dec. 2, 2021

Amazing work and dedication

"Daren is doing amazing work connecting with families whose loved ones have been taken abroad and dives into the toll that it takes on the families and the hostages. I wish this podcast had been on my…"

IllImmigrant | April 21, 2022

Puts a very human face on these “names”

"Grateful to Mr Nair for this show. Essential listening, as it makes the names of these hostages, often hard names to remember, completely relatable and easier to help them in what small ways we can."

JeanBeanMom | May 10, 2022


"Such an important podcast and source of information that doesn’t get enough aired enough elsewhere."

Shimizu18 | Jan. 31, 2022

Good to listen

"Very powerful podcast which helps hostages and their families to raise their voice to the world. Everyone shall listen to every episode to understand what is happening with hostages and their familie…"

MohZ2123 | Dec. 19, 2021

Great podcast! Worth a listen

"Informative, powerful and relevant. Worth a listen. Produced and presented very well, shining a light on a topic not talked about enough by both the media or politicians. Great work, keep it up!"

benevis100 | Dec. 2, 2021


"Excellent, powerful and insightful podcast. Well worth a listen."

cog1789 | Nov. 27, 2021

How we can end hostage diplomacy

"Great podcast! Every week I wait excited for the next episode and learned how we can help to end hostage diplomacy. Thank you Daren for tireless campaigning"

Mariam Claren | Nov. 25, 2021